7 Honest Thoughts: Pregnancy

C’mon, you knew this post was coming. I’m almost 25 weeks pregnant and of course I have a gazillion thoughts buzzing around my brain. So I’m putting finger-to-keyboard to share some of them with ya.

What a ride it’s been so far! It’s a whirlwind of emotions, symptoms, reactions… each day is different. One thing I’ve learned is that despite pregnancy being so common, (google tells me that at least 100,000,000 women are pregnant at any one time around the world) it’s also the most individual and personal experience for each expecting mother. (I find that pretty amazing, actually.)

1) I am not all consumed by my pregnancy – In fact, sometimes I forget… haha.. I could be sitting at my work desk, or on the couch at home, to just walking to get my morning coffee and still feel like my normal “pre-pregnant” self. That is, until Little Bigg kicks and I remember I have this growing belly slowly obstructing my view to my feet. Also, I still care about my work. At the start of the year (before we got pregnant) I was thinking about taking on more work, after being part time for about 18 months to recover from burnout. Obviously that plan has changed, or at least been put on hold for the time being. I have mixed feelings about that.

2) Stranger danger! What is this thing inside me?! Who the heck are you?! Some days I have never felt my personal space so invaded. (I can here all my mumma friends out there saying “Oh Jess, just wait until the baby is born…”) I mean, sure, it’s our child, it’s a part of us, we’re family, but it’s still it’s own person with an individual personality. Heck, I don’t even know what colour hair they have! (Although we are pretty sure it will have curls like mum & dad.) IMG_6762

3) In contrast to the above, I am also completely and truly in love with this being growing inside me. I can’t even begin to explain it. I can’t control it. My heart may explode when I first see it’s squishy face. The other day I didn’t it move as much as usual, which is normal, but I freaked out and was worried something bad had happened. Thankfully, Little Bigg moved when mumma asked and all was fine again. #passmethetissues

4) Stressing is pointless. I am responsible for what I eat, my daily routine, how much I exercise and how much I rest. But ultimately, I know that the days before me are out of my hands and stressing about every little thing is only going to be bad for both me and the baby. We live in a time where every symptom can be googled, there are SO MANY test you can have (if you want), but just because we can find out, does that mean we should? I’m keeping it simple: Eat well. Rest well. Listen to your body.

(A quick shout out to my Aussie Mumma’s Facebook group who are always there for me when I need answers to the little surprises along the way…. You ladies rock! #colostrum)

5) I won’t buy all the ‘gadgets’. But it’s pretty difficult to say no! Those marketing people, they are CLEVER. There is a product for EVERYTHING you could possibly need. Seriously. It’s crazy. But I’m pretty sure I don’t need half of it. I’m sticking with my usual philosophy: Live simply. Having less stuff = less time spent cleaning & organising, more time doing what matters. (Added bonus: it saves money too) Being a good mum doesn’t depend on how many baby things I own.

6) Sometimes I COMPLETELY FREAK OUT! What have we done? How will we do this? What kind of world will the baby grow up in? How will we afford this? Will I ever get any time to myself again?? HOW WILL I SURVIVE SLEEP DEPRIVATION??? Then I remember women have been doing this since the beginning of time and I don’t freak out as much.

7) Women are AMAZING. If you ever want your capacity tested, challenged or stretched, get pregnant. Did you know I can get dressed WHILE I’m vomiting?? #truestory. My body changes and adjusts to suit this growing baby on a daily basis, and yet I can still function (mostly) like a normal person and do every day stuff. Crazy. (I might add, I’m only new to this game and have had it pretty easy so far. I’m more amazed by women who deal with pregnancy AND have other kids AND work full time/run their own business/care for other loved ones etc etc. Woah!)

So what about the other mumma’s out there? What “honest thoughts” have you had?

Little Bigg's 12 weeks scan.

Little Bigg’s 12 weeks scan. ETA mid-October.